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This is our first management plan for Mawonga IPA. It builds on the work we have been doing with our cultural camps and the Mawonga five-year work-plan (2011-2016) we have implemented. The work-plan guided Winangakirri Aboriginal Corporation (WAC) to divestment in September 2015. Our plan is for everyone. It is for traditional owners and managers, the Aboriginal community, for our rangers and for our supporters and partner organisations. This plan tells the story about our country and about the vision and goals of our people and how it will be managed in the future. The plan tells about our community, who we are, and how we want to care for our country and keep it healthy so it can keep us healthy. Just like us this will be a “living” plan, it will change and adapt depending on what actions or work we do and whether country is getting healthy or not. See appendix 1 Process for making the plan for information on who was involved and when in creating this plan.



The Plan talks about the important things that we want to look after on Mawonga as our ‘Targets’. For each target, we give a rating that describes how healthy we think it is. This will help us to see whether our management plan is working over-time. The Plan then list the problems Threats facing our country, this helps us to see if the plan is reducing the threats. The Plan then lists the projects we want to set up to help care for and improve the targets and to get rid of or reduce the threats. For each project we talk about the targets and threats that the project is trying to help. Each project or strategy also has clear Goals and Objectives which tell us exactly what we want the project to achieve and how it is working towards our vision. Objectives set out the way we will reduce threats and Goals to improve the targets health. The plan then identifies our actions the things we will do to reach our goals. This then aims our efforts and resources at the areas we think are important and can make a difference. We have thought about the goals objectives and the priority actions we want to focus on in a: • short 1-3 years, • medium 3 -5 years and • long term 5-15 years’ So we know which actions we need to work on tomorrow to work towards our longer term goals. Some of these goals and objectives will make improvements in more than one management area.

©2022 by Winangakirri Aboriginal Corporation. Proudly created by Yana Williams

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